
Software Testing Types – Black Box, White Box, And Gray Box Testing

Software testing is a technical investigation that provides numerous stakeholders details about the quality of the product under investigation. It is a technique to find bugs in the developed software. It provides objective and independent information about the quality of software. It can tell a lot about the build and about other underlying issues. A tester checks if the software is complete with all its loose ends tied if it is secure and stable by testing it against specifications and expected results.

Unless the software is tested you cannot be sure of its quality. A software is expected to meet all the requirements its developers and designers intend it to. It should respond predictably to the inputs in an acceptable time frame. It should run error-free in its intended environment. A tester’s job is to run the software through a myriad of tests so that if the software has any bugs, any unpredictable behavior, he can report it to the developers and designers who can then take care of the issues. Testing can be done in a phased manner after the software has been developed or it can be undertaken under ‘Agile’ approach where programming and software testing run concurrently.

Software Testing Types

There are many approaches to software testing. Black Box, White Box, and Gray Box are different testing types. They are actually different points of view on how software is tested. Let’s discuss all software testing types in brief.

Black Box Testing

Black Box is a software testing type that has nothing to do with the internal structure or workings of the codes. The software tester doesn’t need to know the system architecture or source code. Black box testing is also known as closed-box testing, data driven testing or functional testing. A functionality of an application can be tested by interacting with its user interface. A tester provides inputs, records outputs and compares it with the standard output he expects. Unexpected results and deviations are noted and brought to the notice of developers and designers.

Black box testing has limited coverage. Only a select number of scenarios can be created. Its test cases are difficult to design and you cannot depend only on Black box testing to ensure your application is stable and of quality.

Some important types of Black Box testing techniques are as follows:

White Box Testing

White Box testing is a software testing type in which the detailed investigation of the internal structure and logic of the application is conducted. White Box testing verifies the correctness of the software’s statement, conditions, code paths, loops, and data flows. In White Box testing a coder needs to investigate the source code, to determine which unit of code is not performing as per expectations. The coder chooses appropriate input to exercise the code path he wants to test. The white box testing technique is applicable at unit, integration, and system levels of the software testing process.

White box testing technique is time-consuming and can only be used by skilled coders. It is therefore expensive. The programmer must thoroughly know the application he wants to test so that he is then able to create the right kind of test cases. The White Box testing technique is also called Glass box testing, design-based testing, clear box testing, or structural testing by some testers.

Some important types of White Box testing techniques are as follows:

Gray Box Testing

Gray Box Testing Technique uses effective combination of both Black Box testing techniques and White Box testing techniques. Grey Box testing techniques increase testing coverage by focusing on all the layers of a complex system by combining all of the Black and White testing techniques. In order to design tests under Gray Box, the tester needs to know all about the algorithm and internal data structure of the software.

Gray Box Testing provides benefits of both black box and white box testing techniques. The techniques can be used by testers, developers and end users. Testers don’t need to know the programming language or methods of testing applications which makes the Gray Box Testing Techniques unbiased. The software is tested from the perspective of user rather than the designer. Web applications can be best tested by Gray Box Testing techniques as they don’t have any source code or binaries.

Let’s look at some of the important Gray Box testing techniques.

The Wrap

These are some of the important software testing types aimed at evaluating software to ensure it meets required specifications. Software testing helps eliminate a lot of bugs that can cause a lot of stress and loss of man-hours. We provide excellent testing services, in case, you are in need. That’s all from our end. Until next time, Adios.

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